The Acupuncture Board's current fee schedule is as follows:
- Initial Certification - The fee for an initial license shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
Birth Month Month Fee Received Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec January $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 February $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 March $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 April $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 May $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 June $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 July $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 August $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 $438 September $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 $458 October $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 $479 November $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 $500 December $500 $479 $458 $438 $417 $396 $375 $354 $333 $313 $292 $271 - Renewal (Biennial) - $500
- Delinquent Fee - Acupuncturist - $150
- Replacement Wall License - $50
- Replacement Pocket License - $50
- Renewal Wall License - $50
- Delinquent Fee - Wall License - $25